:"(( My frusT day :'((

:: aq x taU gney ku moK lpas rsa skit aq rah bloG tokk . sbna nya , aq tngah adaaa probLem tokk aee . aq x tau moK cyk an spa . aq moK cyk an mpuan ya kha oR MR'A . aq blurrrrr gglaK kneK toKk . OH GOD ! pliZ help me :'(( . i really in trouble noW . wuaaaaa ! citer nya dktok . aq knek tok tngah greq an MR'A . lmak dhaa . 3 bulan . p , satu hri ya , daa mpuan inboX ku . nya nnya aq tokk greq MR'A . aq pdah jk laa aq kwan an nya . kak ku ngga saL ya . OMG ! saD2 . frustt gglaK ku time tok . bnyk post nk aq polah rah FESBUK ya . moK jD playgirL blit laa . frusttt laa , mcm2 jK laa . time frusttt nK .? polaH jK status mcm2 . huU . dloq pun nang aq toK PLAYGIRL laa . ku psang 9 org doEEE . BESTTTT ! p kneK . tobaT dha .. ahahha ! p ku ngkuk laa , jD PLAYER tokk nang bestttt :D . puas ht bha . spa soH cdaK maen kn hti aq dloq . naaaaa ! kn dhh kna . hahaha ! puas ku ketawa dloq bca mxg cdak loq . aq BREAK an cdak lam msa 1 MALAM ajK ! ;D . woOo ! BESTTTT .! p kneK ~~~~ hurmmmm :"(( . whO shoulD i trust , my HUBBY or TATZ GIRL . but i'm still chiLL laa . juz be patient . i know the GOD will help me to finD my way :)) AMEN ,
Habis baca ,sila komen dan like .

▲Naik Laju-Laju